
Summer in the City

I'm sure by now everyone knows that New York City is my favorite place ever, well my friend Emily and I went back to New York this past week and had a blast. I personally believe you can never go to New York City too many times. This time we went we were determined to soak up every minute of it so most days we left around 10am and didn't get back until 10pm and honestly that's the way to go. We went to some places we had already been and some new places, but I think it's just so fun exploring the city even if you aren't really sure what you're doing. I was actually really proud of us this past time because we didn't use an uber once (aside from getting to and from the airport) but we were basically locals this time around. The entire time we were there we talked about how one day we are going to move there. We are already planning our next trip, so stay tuned!

Follow me on Instagram: @paige.dillman
Follow Emily on Instagram: @emilykicsak

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